Whilst I was out last night I came across the Dyson Airblade, the new hand dryer that's allegedly the most hygienic, fastest and energy efficient dryer in the business. Given that my hands went from wet to dry in about 5 seconds, I can vouch for it being the fastest in Southampton at least. Sorry if I'm late on this Laaaandoners, you chaps have probably got an Airblade 2 up there or something. They have only just hit the coast by storm I'm afraid.
It's great. No longer do you have to resort to wiping your half dry hands on your jeans because you're fed up with waiting for a mild breeze that couldn't knock over a daisy dry your palms. The only thing that's missing is an attachment that you can use for when you have spilt something on your shirt. This is the only benefit of the old style hand dryer in my expert opinion on clumsiness.
I love Dyson, it's one of those brands that's all about innovation and making things better. I can imagine Dyson creating an endless product range in anything mildly related to the efficient use of air and power. What's next? My vote would be air conditioning. I'm sweating my nuts off writing this.
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