This is Jane, otherwise known as my beautiful other half (I don't know why she insists on wearing this mask). One of the many things that I love about Jane is her straight talking, say it how it is attitude. Jane isn't afraid to give her opinion on a whole host of issues. Most notably me leaving my socks lying around. So whenever an ad of note comes on TV I always listen to see what she blurts out. I never prompt her and she probably doesn't even know I do it until now. I think it's a good way of getting an anecdotal, objective opinion straight off the cuff.
Now there has been quite a few posts lately relating to the Cadburys Gorilla ad and Smirnoff's airplane ad with many people arguing the whys and wherefores of each.
So I thought I would post how they scored on the Jane-O-Meter, who is a heavy consumer of both vodka and chocolate I might add...
Smirnoff Vodka
The blogosphere said this, this and this
The Jane-O-meter said: "Er, I don't get it"
The blogosphere said this, this and this
The Jane-O-Meter said: "How random...I bloody love it"
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