Sorry for the complete self - indulgent post, but this is too cool not to post on my blog, although perhaps not for anyone else on the Plannersphere other than me.
Well, I've got to the age where I'm getting curious about my family history and where my bizarre surname Moggridge comes from. Unfortunately I haven't been able to shed any light on the origins of my surname, but I have managed to find out that I have a pretty awesome Great Aunt who only passed away in 2004. Given that my family is very 'bloke' heavy, keeping in contact with relatives isn't obviously our strong point. I think BT was right. This is such a shame when you find out about relatives such as this and didn't get the opportunity to meet them.
Originally from South Africa, Jackie Moggridge married my Grandad's brother, Major Reginald Moggridge (Major Moggridge....love it!) before the Second World War. Jackie became one of the most respected female pilots in British aviation history. As one of the first ATA Ferry Pilots Jackie ferried more planes than any other male or female pilot during the war. After the war she even transported spitfires to places as far away as Burma. Awesome!! And if that's not enough, here's a quiz question for you. Who was the first female British pilot to be employed by an airline? Yep, it was Jackie. How I've only just found out about this is so gutting.
But if you are that way inclined you can order her auto biography here or read an endearing discussion about her here. But never has a BT advertising campaign ever been so true.
Hi Carl
Jackie is my great aunt too (from the South African side) and you are right: she was a most incredible woman! Did you know she was also the first female parachutist in South Africa?
I was stationed at RAF Staging Post in Pakistan whEn Jackie and the other ferry pilots staged thru in 1955.There were 30 Spitfires altogether being ferried to Burma in batches of 3 or 4 at a time and she was active in all the flights.
On one occasion she arrived on here own and taxied as near to the Air Movements section as she could get as she was desperate to go "you know where" but every arrival had to be sprayed with DDT and the health officer with the spray wouln't let her get out of the cockpit;however she jumped out and dodged him and ran to the ladies leaving me and the health officer standing.
Carl: If you looking to connect with more relatives from Jackie's side of the family, drop me a line to NY at jaguar2@usa.net
Hi Carl,
I think your relative was actually a Lieutenant-Colonel.
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