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“Remember that happiness is a way of travel -- not a destination”
Roy M Goodman
Some people may accuse me of having a habit of committing various forms of career suicide. I think it's worked out pretty damn good to be honest. But first of all I was ‘uninteresting’ and did a marketing communications degree. Not only that, I did it at a ‘new’ University. Then I decided not to work in London's 'adland', whilst pursuing my education at OU doing an MA in Social Science Research. To make matters worse, my research method of choice is the fluffy ethnography. Well here’s another good one to add to this list.
I’m giving up my role as a communications strategist after busting my balls for 8 years to get here. What am I doing? Backpacking around Central and South America for 6 months and then I'll hopefully pursue said given up career in Australia. I’ve still got plans for this blog and I’m going to continue to post as much as I can whilst I'm away. Although with perhaps a more international flava!
Hopefully I can join some coffee mornings from Mexico City to Buenos Aires with a host of interesting people. So anyone out there who is up for meeting up during my fleeting visits to various Cities over the next 6 months, get in contact.
More importantly anyone in Sydney who fancies giving me a highly paid planning job around May next year then please feel free to do the same.
I don't leave for a few weeks yet so hopefully I 'll have some time for a bit more blogging whilst I wind down. I'm very apprehensive to be leaving my job, but excited about the road ahead.
All I can say is best of luck my man. I'm sure those places will be amazing (and, most importantly, mind expanding).
Hope you enjoy the trip - are you trying to up sticks to Aus permanently?
Cheers Will.
I'm open to the idea of getting sponsored for a couple of years at least. I'll see how it goes to be honest.
I don't think I could bugger off for could
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