Thursday, 4 October 2007

You'll never touch the balls but...

No doubt there is going to be a whole host of posts critiquing the new Bravia ad. I’d imagine most them will relate to it not being as good as the balls and in my opinion it probably isn’t. It’s still fantastic though and I doubt anything will ever touch the balls.

Very few things surpass its first instalment. Beverly Hills Cop, Crocodile Dundee, Indiana Jones and Police Academy being perfect examples! Arguably Godfather II is the only exception to the rule. It’s all pretty subjective really and that’s the beauty of the ads. Everyone will have their favourite but always wait in anticipation for the next one and the next spoof.

To me the Sony Bravia ads have become iconic and grown bigger than the execution. People are just as interested in the making of them and the music as they are the product it’s trying to sell. Very few ads will actually get people actively seeking out the execution and the story behind it in the way Sony and Fallon have. If that was the intention when they set out on the ‘Colour like no other’ journey then there are some seriously clever folks at Fallon.

To start with this…

Bravia balls

Which was supported by this…

Bravia balls - Behind the scenes balls

and then turned into this…

Bravia V Snoke

and this…

Tango balls

Then to follow it up with this…

Bravia paint

and this…

Bravia paint - behind the scenes

that then led someone to also create this is nothing but fantastic in my book…

Bravia paint spoof

Now the third instalment has just launched after this teaser reignited the journey all over again.

Bravia play doh teaser

I’m looking forward to where this goes

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